Here are my notes from Tuesday's Commissioners Court Meeting at the courthouse in Marfa. The paper covered the meeting pretty well with several articles.
For me, the big news was the bait and switch on the proposal for a public private partnership on the Marfa Golf Course. Multiple red flags were raised for me, including a previously unannounced complete reinvention of the proposal from a lease arrangement to a purchase arrangement, statements boring on ultimatums, opaqueness regarding the investor identities, and more. I hope the citizens of Presidio County understand that land sales of public assets are forever. I am not in favor of dealing with this group. I am in favor of finding a golf course operator with or without a plan similar to what this group claims to be offering. This group, however, seems to me to be shady and I have learned that going with my own gut feelings is of value.
The missing names of the golf group people presenting are Stef Rifai, who is an engineer and lead investor, and Rida Asfahani, an architect and investor. I could not hear their names well during the meeting, so had not attempted to name them incorrectly.
Presidio County Commissioners Court Regular Meeting March 15th, 2016, 9 AM, Presidio County Courthouse, Marfa.
All present
Public comments:
Eddie Pallarez: comes to commissioners to discuss a fire that burned utility poles. Four burned to the ground, three severely damaged. Wants an affidavit to replace poles no have the person responsible to pay for the damage.
Asks for stricter rules for burn ban.
Happened on the river in Presidio. Costs to replace poles at approx $2000 per pole. Could have been prevented and would like the County to hold the people responsible. Fire was across from the McCalls place. Eddie would like an official letter from whomever can issue it.
Sheriff's Dept handled investigation. From AEP perspective we need to have people pay for damages individually so that everyone does not have to pay for it.
Hernandez wants to know what AEP is asking for. Eddie says that he needs an official report of some sort to submit to claims dept. PUC covers costs through pass on surcharge to customers if individuals responsible do not cover costs.
Barbara Baskin: back to address commissioners on property issues. Says she has heard that commissioners consider her to be "just a complainer". She clarifies that she has been knowledgable about issues in Redford and with related grants.
Re: burn ban. Did not know whom to call. Found numbers for Fire marshal and distributed it. Asks for County to republish burn ban.
Item 5-
County Judge and commissioners announcements.
Judge: Harlan Hardy will commence going to Presidio to serve veterans and their families in March. Will go every other week on a regular basis.
Judge has been working on Stonegarden audit. Optimistic about being lifted from suspension. County officials have been cooperating. Been a big help.
Commissioner Hernandez asks about deadline. Judge had asked for extension and got it. She has an issue with her computer capacity and programs that she does not have. File sizes for information are very large, it has been difficult.
She is receiving help on this issue but it is taking longer. As for deadline, we are not late. Judge says that during the investigations of equipment, logs etc she has received help from the administrators.
Commissioner Aranda: wants to ask Katie Sanchez about status of grant for BCAP grant and others. Katie says she has information, things are progressing.
Judge asks about the PIPA meetings. Last one was in December. Hernandez says that he will find out
tomorrow when he meets with people
tomorrow in Chihuahua. Hernandez talked with Jake Giesbrecht last week. Judge Guevara asks is she can go to a meeting, Hernandez says it's a great idea. Aranda wants to know about TXDOT issues, permits,mets. White says environmental permit is done and turned in. Ready to go. Hernandez asks whether Jake is still working for the County on the bridge. So far Jake has not asked for money or reimbursements. Money is budgeted. Possible future agenda item. Hopefully have a PIPA meeting next week.
Judge calls attention to the new benches from the Marfa Rotary Club. Placed and dedicated last Saturday. Great addition. Rotary also donated a Four Way Test plaque. Celebration was really fun.
Next week is countywide training on Thursday. Some offices may be closed. Commissioner Vasquez providing lunch for all. Thank you.
Item 6- Amend burn ban that removes the Presidio Valley burn exemption. White makes motion to approve. Will take effect immediately. White reminds the public that anyone starting a fire is responsible for any damages from that fire. AEP phone pole incident leads to punishment for everyone. White says that this is what we can do, people will still be irresponsible but commissioners need to do this on their end. Judge says that she was not aware that if damage to Poles was happening yearly. Hernandez says he has had concerns. Commissioners trade stories about farmers and fires getting out of control. Unanimous.
Item 7- action to approve agreement with BIg Bend National Park for emergency services. This comes up for renewal every five years. It is a mutual aid agreement. Gary Mitschke presents a synopsis of obligations and the history.
County does not have the resources and cities have some. It is doubtful that cities would be able to help, but this agreement gives everyone the ability to converse and ask for help. Commissioners bring up that since County has no resources, why are these agreements not with cities themselves? Gary says that he thinks that this is a way to get us involved to help with that. White says it's kind of a backwards way to do it. Gary says that maybe that is true, but this agreement really just gives us and them an option. Aranda says he thinks it's a good idea nonetheless. Governmental agencies having the ability to share resources in times of emergency is important. Makes motion to approve. Gary says that without a mutual aid agreement, no FEMA monies are available for reimbursements if an area is delayed a disaster area. With agreement, items can be submitted for reimbursement. Unanimous.
Item 8- Big Bend Telephone presentation regarding phone and Internet service for County. Discussion only.
Big Bend Telephone reps are present. Formal proposal is not yet ready, but historical courthouse issues are present. Will have to do a bit more research with the Texas Historical Commission. Approximately 40 phones in Marfa, 10-12 fax lines, and network printers. They will base their proposal on those numbers. In Presidio they just got permission to operate there. Will add Presidio to proposal. Marfa facilities are courthouse, old jail, new jail and golf course. Long distance service will be included in numbers. Unlimited long distance; bill monthly will be exactly the same every month. Judge asks about issues that came up. No estimate available today? Yes, it is too hard to estimate just yet. Engineering analysis is not yet completed. Judge would like to know how much more time. Within the next month they say. Vasquez asks about unlimited calling for cell phones and hard lines. Yes, it will be unlimited calling for all devices. Hernandez asks whether the County has good numbers to compare a proposal to. Katie Sanchez says we can compare it to actual costs. Currently around $100,000 per year. Big Bend Telephone's network is far superior. File and document sharing, printer sharing. Extensions, phone call transfer, possibly all the way to Presidio. Judge says AT&T did come back with a proposal to lower current rates. County has not agreed to any deals since there is a worry about being locked in to a contract. Jim White says that it doesn't matter what the price break is, the fact is that the current system is so inefficient that it is a moot point. The fact that if you call the Judge's office and need to talk to Virgie, the Judge has to give them Virgie's office number. No transfer available. 911 service is less reliable with the AT&T lines. The whole thing needs to be upgraded.
Vasquez asks Sheriff if deputies pay for their own cell phone. Yes, deputies cover their own phones. Big Bend Telephone does not provide cell phones. Vasquez disappointed, but says this is a separate issue for us. End of presentation.
Item 9- Interlocal agreement between City of Marfa and Presidio County for law enforcement. Judge says everyone so far is in agreement with this. Jim White has questions. First of all, how much money is generated in traffic fines per year? Mayor Dunlap is here and says he does not know. Mayor says that ticket revenue does not cover the costs of a municipal court. Not a money maker. White says OK, revenue is not an issue. White asks Sheriff about the reports that he is required to give to the city. Dunlap says that the City would like to get a report from the Treasurer to see expenditures. White says the contract says the report is required to be from the Sheriff. Judge clarifies that the contract says the Sheriff's Office is to report all activities. White says he does not want to sign a contract if it's not going to be followed. Sheriff says he will do it, there is no issue here. Sheriff says he is happy to do it, and if we do not comply, they can bring it to his attention. Patty Roach asks if the report will be for the whole department or just for the deputies assigned to city. Sheriff says that he can't really divide them up, they work in and out of the city. Patty says she wants to know if she is going to have to separate this out. Dunlap says he is not trying to run the Sheriff's Office, it is not important to the city how the numbers are reported. The County Judge requests that the Sheriff report to the County this are information countywide. This used to occur, sheriff says "we will look at it". White says if you're willing to give it to the City, you would think that it could be shared with commissioners court. Judge agrees. Makes motion, White protests a bit. Passed. Mayor then adds at the City has been paying for this for a number of years but previous contracts were not signed by previous Judge. Money is owed for approximately 10,000 dollars from last year's contract. Says the City will write that check despite he contracts not having been signed. Thanks the Judge. Judge says that it is signed and sealed. Laughter.
Item 10- interlocal agreement for 83rd district attorney budget. County Attorney reviewed this and found no problems. White says he has read it and makes motion for approval. Jaime Escuder, nominee for job Democrat. Says that he would like for County to consider increasing budget next year. Small pool of possible workers with criminal law practice ability. Few law schools around here, cost of law school too high. $50,000 is a low starting salary for a young atty. Important for the people to have good representation. White says that the County has it's own issues with regard to pay. Discussion regarding Pecos County contribution. Brewster County has the most cases. Judge wants to know if Brewster County is paying their fair share. Unknown. Escuder ads it depends on whom you ask. Discussion about cases being filed, arrests, population load, etc. all can be factors and debated. Judge says that the three County judges will have to meet and discuss. Escuder says he is happy to meet with them, and opponent Sandy Wilson will be invited for input.
Item approved unanimously.
Item 11- Dept heads required to maintain Presidio County equipment and assure that equipment is not removed from County without commissioners court approval. This is part of the corrective action plan (CAP) for the Stonegarden grant deficiencies. Katie Sanchez says that even if commissioners approve a grant funded item out of a dept the State still has to allow it. This is for grant funded items only. Hernandez says that maybe county should get permission first from State and then vote on it. Judge says that is the way the grant requirements read. Hernandez says that is the way should do it. Aranda makes motion, White seconds. Unanimous.
Item 12- Relocation of vehicle seizure lot from the airport to Vizcaino area due to complaints from local citizens. Vasquez says that even before he was elected many people complained about the way it looks and placement. He has spoken to Gary Mitschke and Ruben Carrasco about relocation and they both agree it would be better. Vasquez would also like to provide a canopy for storage of vehicles, etc to keep them out of sun. White would like to know how this stuff could be moved. Vasquez says that he has not yet talked to Sheriff about this until and unless it is approved. Judge is concerned about possible vandalism of property if items are stored way back behind the fairground. Jim White asks Chase Snodgrass what the FAA and TXDOT say about impound lots near airports. Chase says that there are compatible and incompatible uses for airport property. That one is not compatible and should pay fair market value to the airport. He does not know why the lot is there now, and it is not a problem other than the eyesore factor. He also says that he believes that land could someday could be used for hangar development. If we would like to leave it there, we can talk to TXDOT ago see if they are still there. Hernandez asks Sheriff if he has any recommendations. Sheriff says no, this is the first he has heard of it. Aranda asks about the buildings out there. Sheriff says that his dept is only responsible for what is inside the fence. Sheriff says he is fine with moving the lot elsewhere. Judge wants to know what the cost of moving the stuff and securing it would be. Hernandez wants to know if it is junk or valuable. There is some stuff that is the a County's and is valuable. Vasquez says that there are quite a few items there worth some money. Sheriff says yes, a lot of seized vehicles, county property. Judge asks auditor how this could be paid for. Patty Roach says that there will have to be room in the budget for this. Vasquez recommends taking fence with it to new storage area. White says that no. Alter what, the area needs to be cleaned. Ruben Carrasco says that some of that stuff belongs to road and bridge and some to the airport, some to Sheriff's Office. Vasquez skis Sheriff if an auction could be had in the next few months. Sheriff says no, it has to be further out since he just had one. Questions about new area. Hernandez asks White what he thinks. Since it is his precinct. White says it definitely needs to be cleaned up no matter what. Hernandez is concerned about a new eyesore near golf course. White says it does not have to be an eyesore. Road and bridge can help do the work. Talk about selling off old equipment out there. Hernandez agrees we need to take care of that. White says the first step is to agree on this and take it from there. Aranda wants to know how to get the money to do this. Patty Roach says that options are to defer on other projects already budgeted for or to reallocate funds from another budget. Vasquez advocates for getting rid of everything possible out there. That alone will help the County. Vasquez makes motion to approve and try to get funding. Aranda seconds. Unanimous.
Item 13- hiring of temporary workers in precincts. Hernandez put this on agenda. Has a question who has the authority to hire temporary workers. Katie Sanchez says that in May of 2013 that dept heads could ask county judge to approve a hire. Hernandez asks for that ability to expand that authority to commissioners. Aranda agrees. Judge reminds that the money must be within the budget. Road and bridge has a temporary helper in budget, Aranda says. Agreed by commissioners that as long as there is money available in budget that is a good process. Unanimous.
Item 14- resolution for administration and engineering providers for 2015 TCDBG. Block grant. Yesterday was deadline for proposals. Received two admin proposals and four engineering proposals. Proposals are in Katie's office and they must be ranked. Copies being made. Judge says that these are long and must be studied. She says it will take too long today to get this done, she would like to see this tabled and have everyone take them home and work on them and then make a resolution at another meeting. Deadline is thirty days from yesterday. Judge recommends meeting next week. Jerry Carvahal is here to speak. Says that implementation schedule requires that some deadlines have already been missed. But they give you some time. This project must be under constriction by
Oct 15 2016. Twelve month window. Very strict on this. Contract total is just over $168,000 all inclusive. Judge says that she thinks that meeting
next Tuesday we can close this out. Jerry say that is OK, and the sooner the better. Katie asks why Jerry is getting emails. Jerry says it is because his firm, Grantworks, did the grant application. Judge says that some proposals were received at the last minute yesterday.
Wednesday the 23rd of March is the date for potential meeting. Katie passes out a giant stack of binders to commissioners. Hernandez agrees that they need time to study. Judge makes motion to table. Hernandez seconds. Unanimous.
Item 15- resolution for signatures for TCDBG bank account. Jerry Carvahal says bank accounts and forms require two signatures. All bills approved by TDA and then sent to County for the last it has been typical that the County Judge and Treasurer are signatories. Brewster County has Auditor added as an additional. Aranda says that County Judge and Treasurer sound good. Hernandez asks to add Patty Roach. Aranda agrees. Judge is looking for the Resolution language. Found. Aranda makes motion authorizing Frances Garcia, Judge Guevara and Patty Roach as signatories. Seconded by Vasquez. Judge says that she would like to note that there is a typo. Is that ok if that is corrected. Yes, says all. Unanimous as amended.
Item 16- approval of TCDBG civil rights policies. Required action for grant. Posting of non-discrimination policy in paper, etc. Follow federal civil rights regulations and policies. Boilerplate documentation from Texas Dept of Agriculture. Carvahal explains. Judge makes motion to accept. Unanimous
Item 17- proclaim April to be Fair Housing Month. Part of grant regiments with TDA. Judge makes motion. Unanimous. Barbara Baskin says she had signed up to comm et. Judge allows. Baskin says that it sounds like Grantworks had signed up for this project. Where did they get their information about well water, chlorination, etc for Redford? Jerry Carvahal says that at the time, based on the available money, prioritizing of issues had to be done and that's what they did. Baskin says that Redford is about to get shut off. TCEQ has been sending notices. Jerry wants to know if they have told TCEQ that they have a grant. Jerry was unaware. Baskin says that she did not know that he did not know. That is why the most recent water board director resigned. Aranda says they are working on this and we are trying to get things moving. Baskin says she just wants to know if this grant will get them out of potential enforcement actions by TCEQ. Chlorination is major issue. Aranda says this will take care of problem.
Judge wants to skip to item 23 on golf course proposal.
Ok with commissioners.
Larry Lunsford presents. Brings investor/architect and engineer. Both men are investors, missing names.
Presentation: Larry Lunsford says that at this time the golf course is not set up to be a money making outfit. Says that getting investors has Ben difficult because of the money difficulties. Discussions have been more intense over the last few weeks.
No longer want to lease the property. Want to buy the property.
Engineering guy says that it only makes sense to investors if property is purchased, not leased. Development with hotel and village would happen after that point. Master plan would stay the same but with some additional private residences.
Architect guy says that everyone is on board with the concept, numbers have been difficult but if outright purchase is done, then numbers look better for "tangible results" for investment group. Hernandez says that he is concerned about the local golfers since they don't have a choice to go to a cheaper golf course around here since there is no other option. Lunsford says that grandfathering MGA members is still part of the plan. Hernandez says that not one person from the City of Presidio has been exempted from future fees. Not members. Lunsford says that they can become members at a lower price than market rate. Not as low as current MGA members. Hernandez says that travel costs from Presidio makes any additional money too expensive to deal with. Architect guy says he thinks they can figure out a way to make this work for all local golfers. We are not trying to force the locals out; this is a community based project. Hernandez says that Presidio people cannot use the golf course very often because of the distance and travel time. Lunsford says that they can make options happen. Hernandez asks Eddie Pallarez about what he has discussed with these guys.
Eddie says that he thinks they want to keep the loyal members and he thinks they are not trying to out price anyone here. Architect guy says the intention is to provide a high class facility for everyone. There has to be a threshold where that works. Since there are few people at this point, it is easy to accommodate these folks. Engineer guy says that photo ID could be used to establish residency.
Judge wants clarification on sell versus lease. Yes, w need to buy it. White says that this would convert a public non profit into a private for profit entity. Aranda wants to know how much property, equipment. 300 acres. What is there plus another 180 acres.
Judge says she is a bit flabbergasted. Wants to know why purchase is better. Engineer investor says that spending ten million dollars on land you do not own does no make sense. Golf course on its own cannot make money. From investment standpoint they have to develop more. White says that one thing is you can re-sell this land if we sell. If we lease we at least have some control over what happens to it. Hernandez is also concerned. Engineer guy says we could at least maintain a guarantee that a nine hole golf course could be maintained. White says years of litigation in that case, we lose our golf course. Architect guy says that an alternative could be lease the golf course area and have remaining acreage "distributed to us" with profits invested into golf course. Hernandez wants to know what Eddie thinks. Architect guy says that there has to be some kind of give back from the County for doing this favor to Marfa. Hernandez says his job is to provide a service to the citizens, not to provide a profit to a business. White agrees.
Engineering guy says that possibly we could lease the golf course and then buy the other 70 acres. This needs to be a world class golf course to function. Architect guy says that profit must be generated, money can be funneled back into the golf course improvements. Engineering guy says that in that case the County wins. White says that he thinks the County would be better off staying with the current. Engineering guy says he is amazed at the support of the art community. Hernandez says that he doesn't see too many artists playing golf. White says this is a decision that could resonate for decades and commissioners have to be responsible to the citizens. Engineering guy says that it would be responsible for County to do this an make improvements. White says that if it looks too good to be true, the. It probably is, so there it is.
Facilities manager Sam Cobos wants to know about acreage description. 240 for golf, and where are the rest? In the park? Lunsford says possibly Vizcaino Park but don't want to overload.
Aranda brings up Ballroom Marfa project. Architect guy says that this is a different deal. Acquisition of the land is the "least integral part" of the project, the least expensive. Says the intention is not to trick the County into something bad. Golf course is in need of repair. This is a legitimate partnership proposal and they are just looking for some give back from the County. This deal revolves around the golf course. Pony up some land that is not being used to improve the golf course area. In our opinion this is a win win for investment group and County. Engineering guy uses an El Paso tax abatement project as an example as a County "encouraging our investors" to work in the area. What can you do for us? Judge asks for investor names. Engineering guy says he will send names in a email. Judge asks about background checks. Engineering guy says that is no problem. Architect guy says that upon execution of a contract, money will be in place. Engineering guy says that once he can show other investors a commitment from the County we can move right along. Architect g says they are just looking for options on an agreement. Judge says that she believes she can speak for the County in saying that letting go of that precious, precious land is not going to work for the County. Hernandez says he would like to look at a number of options.
Eddie Pallarez says that we cannot continue with the status quo for another 4-5 years. Land being considered for sale is not prime acreage. Pallarez says that this is a ticking clock. White asks how he can be sure of that. Pallarez says that unless revived the future of the course cannot really work. Membership has been dropping off, getting worse as course condition deteriorates with age.
Hernandez says what we have is better than none at all.
Architect guy reiterates high risk investment. White says he understands.
Judge Guevara requests a town hall meeting where citizens can participate.
Lunsford says that can happen, but we need some assurances that we could move forward. We have already put a lot of money into this.
Hernandez says there is still concern.
Barbara Baskin comments about tax abatements messing up community developments statewide. Says that these guys say the land is the least valuable element of this, then it should not be an issue. If the land is sold, improvements will need to be taxed. White asks if they are going to be asking for tax abatements. Dodgy answers. They say they are unsure. White asks again. They say they have. To yet thought about it. Say they will probably be asking for many things. Aranda says that now that the possible deal has changed from a lease deal to a purchase deal we have to start over again. Investor guys agree and say they are hoping for that. Everything can be negotiated. Architect guy says that they want to make it work for everyone, they can have talks. Hopefully the citizens understand that right now the County spends $160,000 per year on that golf course. This will reverse that trend. Aranda advocates for a town hall type of citizens input session. Engineer guy says they have already spent $180,000 on design and engineering.
Hernandez asks if they are willing to go to Presidio to see if there is support in Presidio for golf options there and input from golfers. Sure, they say. Lunsford says he is more than willing to do whatever it takes to let people know. Judge Guevara says she wants to have a town hall type meeting so that citizens can understand that also walking trails and open spaces will be maintained.
Lunsford talks more about Vizcaino Park possibilities. Easy fit for maintenance. Hernandez says that it looks good to him from a County expenses standpoint. Lunsford says he thinks they can provide the solution. Engineering guy says that tax abatements for them can offset the $160,000 yearly the County spends. Architect says that maintaining the status quo really isn't a good option for anyone. Looking for a partnership, with give and take on both sides. Judge says she is hopeful. Hernandez says he really wants this to work, wants to help make this happen. Lunsford says they can throw in free golf lessons for Jim White. Laughter. Presentation over.
Item 18- designating sewer rep to be able to assist Brewster County. This is to allow Ruben Carrasco to help Brewster County with septic licensing while they are out of pocket with certifications. Carrasco is certified. Aranda advocates for this cooperation. Ruben Carrasco advocates to assist. Unanimous
Item 19- request for proposal process approval for water at Presidio airport. OMB requested. County required to do this because number is very close and could exceed $50,000. Hernandez makes motion. Unanimous
Item 20- approve request for proposals for heating and AC at jail. Unanimous
Item 21- electric meter at Presidio airport. Needed. 2 bids. One for larger wire at $13,000. AEP said that new meter would be $5000. In budget. Unanimous
Item 22- Casa Piedra road re-route discussion only. Thomas Saunders presents. Makes road shorter, White says it is a good deal for everyone. Does away with two cattle guards. Land swap with Big Bend State Ranch Park is part of this.
Aranda wants to know about the construction work. County wants road specs from Texas Transportation Code followed. Aranda wants neighbors to be contacted east and exactly what is happening. No cost to County. One easement for one Property owner is affected. Saunders says that easement will be extended for that landowner to new road edge. Ruben Carrasco helps present with a map showing old and proposed roadways. New road will be one and a half miles shorter, straighter, eliminates two cattle guards. Culvert work may need to be done. County specs will be followed.
Discussion only. Needs to be reviewed by County Attorney.
Item 24- Presidio County Court Indigent Defense Plan.
Nov 23rd a resolution had been signed to receive some State grant funds for indigent defense. Compliance requires an official plan. County Attorney has not yet reviewed. Katie says they used regular templates to construct. Judge reviewed and agrees it is complaint with Texas code of criminal procedure. White recommends to approve. Approved.
Item 25- eliminate internet services not needed. JP #2. Already disconnected at house. Two in office, disconnect one. Unanimous
Item 26- Administrative Session-
Presidio EMS report has been received, partially incomplete.
Internal Audit report- Patty Roach- Inmate trust funds completed reconciliations. All up to date within county. Single Audit submission timeline on schedule. Transport hour issue being addressed. Financial analysis. Met with all jailers except one, all supervisors. Will be taken care of as of Friday.
White commends Patty Roach and everyone else for getting finances up to date. Three years ago it was the opposite. Judge Guevara wants to know how long it takes to do all the bank account reconciliation. Most of the month. The County has far too many bank accounts, need to consolidate and make things simpler. Getting there. Vasquez asks about transport hours. Patty says that November transport hours will be paid as the transport hours had to be retroactively added to time sheets and affected overtime pay for some. Make up differences on pay checks. From this point forward transport hours will be included on regular time sheets. Not calculated independently anymore.
Treasurer's Report. Cheryl Calvert presents: nearly 1.5 million received since last report. End of report.
Office and Management and Budget: Katie needs approval for $407,000 in expenditures. $690,000 already approved and spent on other bills.
Motion to approve district and county courts, OMB, auditor and treasurers reports.
Facilities manager: Sam Cobos.
White motions to approve. Unanimous
Road and bridge and capital projects approved.
Airports manager: approved
All through item "O" accepted. Sheriff submitted a report
Vasquez asks Cobos about jail facilities reports. Cobos says he made a list of items to be looked at at jail. Some regular maintenance, some larger. Gave it to Gracie Parras. Still looking for qualified maintenance person.
Reports accepted.
Line item transfers: two.
White asks why money from abandoned motor vehicles for uniforms. It has happened before. White wants to know if abandoned vehicle fund is just a catch all? Katie says kind of. Commissioners approve things out of it. Commissioners court is in charge of that account. Verified. About $42,000 in fund. Only $5,000 budgeted to be expended.
Vasquez brings up that deputies pay for their own cell service. Sheriff gets one, county judge gets one. Everyone else pays for their own. Aranda wants to know how much money has been used out of abandoned vehicle fund. Patty Roach says that those funds may be restricted. Approved. Questions from Katie as to whether there is enough left in the budget.
Bills and expenses: Jim White asks Virgie why she pays $160 per month to have helper do her report. Virgie says that it is in her budget and she hires her to do it. Judge asks what line of Virgie's budget includes that. Professional services.
Commissioners training included. Comes out to $810 per commissioner. Hernandez has questions about meals. Does he have to take the pre paid meals? Patty and Katie say he has to pay out of his own pocket if he does not eat meals included in registration. Sheet has old number with meal stipend. Old number tools $874 per commissioner. More discussion. Hernandez says he doesn't necessarily want to eat those meals if he didn't already agree to them. More conversation. Crystal Funke assures Hernandez that she went over his registration options with him. Talk about Sheriff's training bills. Numbers pretty high, Patty says that she could not get beyond the firewall on the sheriff's association website to see options, registration fees. Information provided by sheriff is only information. Commissioners can reject. Light discussion, White makes motion to approve. Unanimous
Reviewing, discussion about possible incomplete minutes. Minutes approved. Unanimous