Friday, August 24, 2018

Notes on Presidio International Port Authority Meeting, Aug 17, 2018, 3:00 PM, Presidio County Annex Building

Presidio International Port Authority Meeting Friday August 17th, 2018, 3:00 PM, Presidio County Annex Building, Presidio

Present: director Jake Giesbrecht, Treasurer Jim White, Mayor John Ferguson, Judge Cinderela Guevara

Meeting convened at 3:15 PM

Public comments: none

Item 5: communications from Judge to Board. Judge has heard that construction has started on the rail. Mayor says it has started on the Mexican side.
Jake says that TXDOT rep says that they are pleased about the proposed infrastructure and existing facilities and will proceed to see about meeting federal standards for the inspections.
Texas Pacifico is working with the Mexican government to coordinate. Bids in Mexico are already awarded. Bridge will be nine feet higher and will have walkways, as requested.
Texas Pacifico has resolved the trackage issue with Union Pacific.
John Ferguson says that City of Presidio is getting its affairs in order thanks to Joe Portillo. This effects everything the city does.
Judge says she has not had one day to observe operations at the bridge construction site. After budget is completed she wants to spend a day at the site.

Item 7-adopt minutes of previous meetings. Minutes from meeting Tuesday August 7. White motions to accept. Unanimous

Item 8- director’s report.
Judge wants to be sure board addresses the trans migrantes potential for happening. Judge is concerned about having a situation we’re not ready for.
Jake says that it has not happened yet, we can lobby for it, it can bring a lot of money but also brings a lot of issues.
Judge doesn’t think we should lobby for it, but in budgeting EMS is a major concern. Jake says this is mostly a Mexico decision. If their port of entry adopts it, then we will have to address it. Mayor sees an agricultural export crossing as exciting, and nothing against the people that do the work, but it seems like a lot of junk and maybe things that shouldn’t be crossing would be here.
General agreement from Jake and the Mayor.
Report submitted in writing. Been spending time communicating with the State of Chihuahua and the State of Texas.
Border trade task force. Texas Border Strategic Transportation Blueprint- first planning to outline a single vision for state border crossings and trade corridor needs.
Jake says the State is trying to rush this master plan, shooting for having it completed in three months.
The Secretary of the Chihuahuan agency in charge of agricultural trade accompanied Jake to Austin  for a meeting and that gave our port of entry a leg up over others.
Bi national meeting Sept 6 will discuss underutilized border crossings.
Very important that PIPA continue to work with HDR engineering, as they are the Border Trade Master Plan engineering firm.
Jake is Working on tax credits with Trans Pecos Banks development arm.
Met in Delicias with CODECH, Chihuahuan Economic development committee.
Mayor asks Jake about the upcoming meeting in San Diego that Jake cannot attend.
Jake says that efficiency of our port has not yet been measured. Measuring wait times is the objective. Need the federal government to officially measure the wait times for trucks. Trucks sometimes turn to Santa Teresa because of the long wait times here. And also the truck port closes at four.
Wait times average 2-3 hours per truck. Drivers carrying same load every day for years have to go through this.
Mayor says he feels like our port director does a reasonable job, is there any motivation for the customs people to go faster, expedite shipping. Jake says no, they get paid the same either way.
Jim White says that we have to find a way to change the way the port employees think.
Jake says there are a number of technological advances being considered by multiple government agencies to track trucks. It’s yet to be seen which one CBP might adopt to speed up crossings and inspections.
Ferguson moves to accept report

Treasurers report
32,422.29 in bank. Some bills due. $2047.52 reimbursement for Jake hotels etc. eight thousand in wages due to Jake for four months.
White asks for authority to write those checks.
Judge moves, unanimous

Schedule next meeting:
Every few months is ok for everyone at this point.

Adjourn at 4:11 pm

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